Where Committed Artists Find Results-Driven Publicity & Marketing Done Right
✔ Service is selected and order is confirmed.
✔ An 'Order' email is created and sent to you.
✔ The order email contains:
Since we approve every release beforehand, these goals are assured or your money back.
Targets: We focus heavily on two categories:
This campaign maximizes the value of the press network available! Average Timeline: 1 Month (Rarely goes beyond the timeline.)
Reach Out For Mixes, Premieres, & Interviews: Going beyond the scope of music reviews, this campaign includes securing these unique forms of media.
Additionally the campaigns will include:
Historical Discovery: We search for past articles written about you! This strengthens our options for outreach.
New Outlets Discovery: We regularly search for new outlets and writers. If we land press in outlets not on the 'targets' list, it's a bonus (not counted toward your goal).
Not seeing what you want?
Check out our 'Personalized Campaigns' and select what's right for you!
Important rule
❌ We want to avoid multiple SoundCloud campaigns running simultaneously, or artists/teams promoting their songs through reposts at the same time as a SoundCloud campaign.
Easy Solution
✔ Take turns! Discuss if we will start immediately or hold off until other pushes are complete. This allows everyone to know the results of their effort and ensures artist/teams get the maxmimum value possible.