✔ We use SpotOnTrack.com to check the age and day-by-day growth of a playlist.
✔ Another great app to use: ChartMetric.com
A report that shows large, rapid spikes in follower gains as botted followers are farmed to the playlists.
Followed by large drop offs in follower count as Spotify deletes these fake accounts.
Other Suspicious Clues
☠ 3-5 playlists that each have roughly an identical follower count on the Spotify profile hosting the playlists.
☠ The profile if followed by strange, non-human like accounts, often with randomized numbers as the profile name.
☠ Spotify profile doesn't look attractive, well-cared for, or well-branded. It simply doesn't make sense that a real-human would engage with it.
From SpotOnTrack.com
✔ A report that shows a smooth line graph indicating a normal pace of growth, anywhere from a few dozen to a few hundred followers a day, depending ont he size of the playlist.
✔ Keep in mind: A playlist could be decrease in follows as well, and still be legitimate. (This typically means ads are not being run on it bring in a fresh audience or the SEO relavence of the playlist has decreased.)
✔ A smooth trajectory is a key metric to indicate an organic Spotify playlist.
From SpotOnTrack.com
Once-A-Week Reporting Cycle
What happens: A comprehesive report is delivered every Monday.
The update includes a recap of all playlists secured for the campaign and an update on these important catogories.
Three-Days-A-Week Checking Cycle:
Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays.
What happens: Each campaign is reviewed three times a week.
When there's no issues: The 'once-a-week' cycle continues as normal.
When there's an issue: You are told what the issue is and updates are then moved to every Monday, Wednesday, & Friday until the problem is solved.
Once a campaign is confirmed, it can take up to 1 week for the placement to land.
It typically takes a few days!